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Finding Middle C!

Finding middle C.

For those that are completely new to the piano, before our very first lesson, we need to able to find middle C. Middle C is located in the middle of the piano, left of the two black keys. There are many C's on the piano and all of which are left of the two black keys, but you need to find the one in the middle. 

Good luck! 

This is where you'll find all the piano homework and bonus tip videos!

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Lesson One Homework

Finding C, D, E, F & G

For your homework, we would like you to find the notes C, D, E, F & G on the piano with both hands. ​

We will be learning a very exciting new song on the next lesson

Good luck! 

Lesson Two Homework


Lesson Two

Advanced Option

The rhythm for the above is: 1, 2, 3 & 4 & 

Don't worry, if you're struggling with some of the rhythms, please get in touch. We've not put a video on this week as we would like to see if you can start to read the music. 

Good luck, but if you're still struggling, we are more than happy to help! 

Lesson Three Homework

By now you should be a wizz at the notes C to G! 

Below the video is an example of the song we are doing. The video to the left is how it should sound. It will take a lot of practising but I'm sure you will be fine!


Homework - The C Major Chord

C major.JPG

We're moving on to chords! Chords are multiple notes stacked together to produce different sounds. The major chord here is a happy sounding chord. 

We are playing the notes, C, E and G together. 

Treble and bass.JPG
Both Hands Together!

Try playing this with two hands changing. The stave on the bottom is your left hand and the stave on the top is your right hand. 


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Have at go at playing these exercises.
Then see if you can master playing 'Yankie Doodle'!


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Have at go at practising the song and the rhythms we covered in the last lesson. 

Try to remember the difference between the minim rests and the semibreve rests we learnt last week.

We will cover part two of Hot Cross Buns next week!

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Can you work out the secret messages??


Have at go at practising Hot Cross Buns in full.

Once you've mastered that, try practising the C major contrary motion mini scale.

Okay now time for the quiz!


See if you can finishing learning the song 'Sunny Days' we started in the last lesson!


The second half is very similar to the first half - can you work it out?
Try to practise this short section of Beethoven's Fifth we did in the lesson
And finally...

Can you remember the definitions of legato and staccato?

Can you remember how to recognise them when they are written down?


Keep practising  'Sunny Days' and the Beethoven's Fifth excerpt from our last lessons!


Also try to recap all the notes we have learned so far!


Next week we'll be learning Row, Row, Row your boat...

See if you can play the first line!


Published: 20/05/21    (a bit late... sorry!)

Recap: Bass Clef C Major Octave Scale

Practice the scale we covered in the lesson.

Remember the 3 new notes we learned: bass clef C, D and E.

Next week we'll be learning Ode to Joy.

Have a look at the right hand part and see if you can give it a go!

Ode to Joy


Published: 24/05/21   

All Cows Eat Grass

Remember bass clef spaces spell All Cows Eat Grass


Try and learn the song :)

Also, see if you can get a bit further working through Ode To Joy that we started in the lesson!


Published: 7th June 2021

C major mini scale

Practise the similar motion C major mini scale, as well as the contrary motion C major mini scale we did a few weeks ago.

Let It Go

Practise the first line we started in the lesson and see if you can learn some more!


Published: 18th June 2021

Tied Notes

Complete the tied notes worksheets below

Motion Mini Scales

Practice the A Minor mini scale, and any others we have covered.

Try to remember the difference between major and minor!

Let it Go!

Finally we've included this clip of Janine playing Let it Go so you can refer back to it!


Published: 26th June 2021

The Wellerman

Practice the right hand part of the Wellerman.

Also, try to have a go at a different sight reading exercise each practice

Aaron Hook

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